Multiple Blue Rings

Marketing & More

Why Google cannot afford to deprecate third party cookies?

Google is lagging in the AI race. Open AI is miles ahead. Until Google does some heavy lifting, this battle is lost.

Level 3

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Level 1

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Level 4

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Maps has started to face competition from Indigenous players (Ola Krutrim MapMyIndia), making Google drop their prices.

Google Search volumes will face stress as ChatGPT gains popularity and consumer behaviour on search gradually evolves to more precise and contextual answers to user queries - to which Gemini has much to catch up.

Giving up on cookies will make Google Ads lose a significant advantage in user tracking, creation of audience segments and retargeting capabilities, bringing their advertising business under stress which contributed 77% of their revenues (Google Search - 56.9%; YouTube Ads - 10.3%; Google Network - 10.2%).