Why Blocking Torrentz hurts Mankind?


Torrentz bids an emotional Good Bye

After few popular torrent sites (Kickass Torrents) lost the legal battle it was time for the ultimate suite to come under the axe. Torrentz, the most popular torrent meta-search engine finally shut down. Founded in 2003, Torrentz was among the oldest and popular platform to look out for torrent files. The torrent hosting site later expanded to become a meta-search engine. Torrentz also provided an option to allow people with copyright to certain content to file a cease and desist complain.

An entire bunch on the planet is under the state of shock as big as loosing some near and dear one. And why not…

Torrentz brought parity across the globe

Keeping legalities aside, Torrentz brought parity across the globe. It saw all individuals as one and believed that everyone and anyone has the right to access information. It never took, it always gave. It made sure that the thirst of all inquisitive brains on the planet is quenched and with the right information and with information of global standards. In this process, Torrentz evolved generations in different parts of the world esp. developing nations. Though legally incorrect, but considering the broader picture it pushed generations ahead of their times.

Torrentz made content available in its purest form

Consider a creative piece of art (say, movie, documentary etc), might have taken years or generation to reach under developed or developing nations, legally. Quite possible that it took a lifetime of an individual to get exposed to it. Additionally, it would run through multiple stakeholders. And in its highest possibility, it doesn’t reach the country in it purest form. Censors, Broadcast Rights and what not tamper the originality of the content before it can make it to developing markets thereby leading to loss of creativity in the masterpiece originally created. Torrentz helped a generation to experience everything on the internet in its purest form and inspire learning to further create state of the art content.

Torrentz was always ahead of its times and shutting it down will be a major blow on the less privileged. One community which will be in deep shock is The Student Community for whom Torrentz would probably have been the only source of entertainment. Entertainment (movies, games and music) could have easily been topping Torrentz charts and now all these students stand clueless on where to go about searching for the next season of Game of Thrones. Probably they will read about it before they see it (might take extra few months before its aired in their country) killing the entire enthusiasm and appeal of the much talked about HBO series. Torrentz was for the impatient and for the unconventionals. Its absence will ultimately make people restless or even more terrifying, slowly and gradually we may find less and less number people who are impatient or unconventionals. And the world knows, it’s this bunch of people who have refined things on the planet.

Torrentz broke all barriers – geographical, chronological, language and of course legal. It undoubtedly faced legal consequences every now and then but held its ground for more than 12 years.

A major chunk of the population on earth is hoping for a comeback and so do we.


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