Sony’s SAB TV has gained a following of its own through the years of its existence in India. The channel not only carved a distinctive image but also has a loyal audience for it shows. In a recent move, SAB TV has rolled out a new campaign focussing on comedy as the sole proposition of the channel. SAB TV’s new brand identity talks pure comedy and promises ‘Haste Raho India’ (keep laughing India) through a jingle.
SAB TV’s New Brand Identity
The New Brand Identity has been supported by new shows which will be focus only on comedy. To distinguish from the primary Sony Television, which features the most popular comedy show (The Kapil Sharma Show), the new brand identity talk about laughing ‘everyday’. The Kapil Sharma Show is aired only weekends on the parent Sony Entertainment Television. The film has been conceptualised by Everest Brand Solutions and has roped in Varun Dhawan to communicate the proposition.
Varun Dhawan has been roped in to impart the much needed energy to the channel which was gradually loosing the youth attention. With Varun Dhawan talking about SAB and its new brand identity will certainly pull some youngsters to tune in.
New Brand TVC
SAB has released 2 brand TVCs coupled with full page ads in national dailies to spread the word. The logo also undergoes a revamp and looks more youthful. Check out the new TVCs below:
Client: Sab TV; Agency: Everest Brand Solutions; President: Dhunji S. Wadia; Chief creative officer: Rahul Jauhari; Chief strategy officer: Navonil Chatterjee; Executive creative director: Pramod Sharma; Vice president: Aradhana Rai Bhushan; Creative head: Samir Chonkar; Creative director: Ashish Verma; Art: Rajaram K Kavatkar Mayura Ajgaonkar Bankesh Gohil; Client servicing– Harish Suvarna Nirav Dave; Account planner: Tanvi Mishra Films chief: Harish Mishra; Production house: Elements; Brand film director: Vivek Daschaudhary; Producer: Barkha Sawhney Diwan; DOP: Vikas Sivaraman
Read More on Defining Brand Identity – Aaker Model
The new brand identity looks in place. Hope it gets SAB the TRPs as well.
Amazing content on this website including this one on new brand identity.